The President shall preside at business meetings of the Association, call and preside at meetings of the Executive Board and perform other duties implied by this title. The President shall appoint all committee chairpersons after securing their acceptance of the position and the approval of the board. The president keep order and oversees all programs and program chairs.
The Vice President shall preside at meetings of the Association and the Executive Board when the President is absent. Working with the Executive Board, the Vice President shall secure programs and workshops for the calendar year.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Association and the Executive Board and provide copies of the meeting minutes to the President and the membership after each meeting. The Secretary will keep an up-to-date roster of the membership. The Secretary shall attend to all correspondence of the Association, and has access to past meeting minutes and the [email protected] email account.
The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements of the Chapter’s primary checking account following standard business practices of record keeping. The Chapter Treasurer shall have the authority to disburse such funds and deposit all moneys. This account will receive membership dues, yearbook advertising revenue, Chapter project fees such as adjudications, play-off competition fees and workshop fees, and will disburse funds budgeted and approved by the Chapter. The Chapter treasurer will be the Registered Agent and manage all correspondence according to the laws of Washington State when necessary. At each meeting the Treasurer will provide standard financial reports of income and disbursements to-date and file copies of their reports with the President and the Secretary. The Treasurer shall submit a proposed annual budget for the checking account to the Executive Board for approval by the general membership at the September meeting.
The MAP Chair will be responsible for arranging WSMTA Music Artistry Program (MAP), Play-Off Competition, and Honors Recognition Recital(s). This member will adhere to the policies and procedures as outlined by WSMTA and Tacoma chapter.
New Membership Committee or Chair shall include 2 to 3 chapter members to recruit and help new members joining our Chapter. This committee will be responsible to maintain a listing of new members’ participation in Chapter projects and activities.
ASunshine Chair to give cards and gifts from the Chapter
Historian to keep a scrapbook of Chapter activities, and take and collect photos of members at meetings and events.
Recitals Chair to arrange these recitals (other than adjudication honors recitals) as planned by the Chapter.
Tempo Newsletter Editor will be appointed to be responsible for the monthly email newsletter.
The Yearbook Chair will make the annual Chapter Yearbook to be available in September. The editor will work with the Vice-President to make a calendar of events to include monthly meetings, chapter projects, and a list of current members with their contact information. Also, the editor will secure paid advertisements with the help of the Chapter Treasurer. The Executive Board will recommend additional information such as project application forms, rules and procedures as necessary for the upcoming year to be included. The editor will be in charge of distribution of the Chapter Yearbook.