September Monday September 9th -Meet and Great Breakfast Program: Meet and Greet Breakfast Location: The Original Pancake House, 601 S Pine St, Tacoma, WA 98405 Guest: All Tacoma Chapter Members Program: Welcome new and returning members! September 21-22nd WSMTA LEADERSHIP SEMINAR Yakima Hilton Garden Inn Saturday 12pm -Sunday 12pm Register today for leadership insights and training! New online information walk through Renew WSMTA membership to be eligible for MAPs!
October October 14th Meeting- “Transform Your Teaching” Guest Presenter: Bonnie Blanchard Location: Skelley Piano, 2805 Bridgeport Way W. U.P, 98466
DEADLINE for Chamber Music Festival October 17th (deadline extended) - Register for Tacoma Chamber Festival through the Tacoma Music Collaborative. Register & Pay Fees On-line:
November November 11th-“Laura Dean Dance Workshop” Location: Fellowship Hall at First Lutheran Church, 524 S “I” St, across from Wright Park. Guest Presenter: Laura Dean Program: "Learn to dance the Tarantella, Cuban Salsa & Schottishe!" Teachers are encouraged to bring their students
December 9thMeeting- Holiday Heritage Potluck Location: Paul & Phyllis Twedt’s Home, 3011 N 25th St, Tacoma, WA 98406 Bring a family favorite dish to share!
December 14th - Holiday Recital Location: Fox Island Chapel on Echo Bay Video Submissions Due December 12th at 12pm. Time: 3-4pm
January “NO Chapter Meeting” Send Masterclasses submission emails to Lark Powers. We need (3) Moderate to Advanced students to perform. Turn in your parent signed forms for Play-offs by Feb. 24th!
February February 7th - MAPs DEADLINE February 13th - February Masterclass Location: Skelley Piano – 2805 Bridgeport Way W. U.P, 98466 Program: “Student Piano Master Class” Instructor: Dr. Kristina Henkel We need (3) Moderate to Advanced students to perform. Turn in your parent signed forms for Play-offs by Feb. 24th!
DEADLINE for Tacoma Music Collaborative Spring Concerto Registrations – Check Website
March “NO Chapter Meeting” March 9th- Play-offs Competition Location: First Lutheran Church, 524 S “I” St, Tacoma, WA 98405 (across from Wright Park) Time: 2:00 pm
March 13th-15th - Music Artistry Programs (MAPs) - (formerly called Adjudications) Locations: Prosser Piano & Organ Co,5849 Tacoma Mall Blvd A, Tacoma, WA 98409
March 16th–Honors Recital Location: First Lutheran Church, 524 S “I” St, Tacoma, WA 98405 (across from Wright Park) Time: 2:00 pm Turn your Adjudicator evaluations by March 21st
April April 14th Meeting – “Working with Special Needs Students” Location: Prosser Piano and Organ, 5849 Tacoma Mall Blvd. Tacoma, WA. 98409 Guest: Amora Bussey DEADLINE for Senior Award – April 23th, 2025
May May 12th Meeting– “Special Needs Students: Strategies for Instructional Application” Location: Skelly Piano, 2805 Bridgeport Way W., University Place, WA. 98466 Guest: Beverly Fanning Program: “Special Needs Students: Strategies for Instructional Application.” Come prepared to role play. Learn to spot signs of emotional and neurological distress before behavior escalation. June June 10th Meeting- “End of Year ~ Garden Luncheon” Location: ”Larry Hogue’s Garden” ▪ Election of new officers and committees for next year. ▪ Student Performers from Play-Offs for WSMTA Conference ▪ Bring your favorite dish to share Student Performers from Play-Offs for WSMTA Conference